Selasa, 19 April 2011

Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

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Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

Free Ebook Online Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

A magical story about a gifted, vulnerable girl who is both saved and damned by an angel who falls in love with her music and claims it in a devilish pact. With Mary in his thrall, he ruthlessly kills all those who threaten his grand plan to bring Mary to Carnegie Hall where her talent will be hailed as supreme. Ghost story, horror story, thriller, fantasy, fairy tale noir. Catch The Moon, Mary defies classification in its originality and exuberance. Award winning author, singer and lyricist, Wendy Waters writes prose that soars with breath-taking beauty.

Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1200465 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-24
  • Released on: 2015-09-24
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. An Angel of a Book By caz If you have a guardian angel or wish you did and wonder what they might get up to when not immediately present, this is definitely the book for you. An imaginative, well written story that is guaranteed to raise the spirits of even the most ardent non believer.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. You will not want to keep this book unread for very long By amanda blount I was sent this book as a free gift from the author to provide an honest review. I only review one book or Indie movie per week and this week I chose to read “Catch the Moon, Mary,” by Wendy Waters.I’m the type of reader who reads an entire book. I read everything, from the front cover to the back. I read the publishing details, the “thank you” page, the back cover, and all pages in-between. I learn a lot from those pages. Please take the time to read those pages. Not reading them is like buying a book and skipping a chapter. There is so much information the writer offers on those extra pages, they are worth reading.One of the many items I learned about Wendy is, besides being an award winning author, she is also musically talented. She is not only a composer and a lyricist but, in 2011, she also volunteered for underprivileged musically talented children. I do think these children had their own Guardian Angel when Wendy devoted her talents to help them take the next steps to greatness.One of the first things I noticed about Wendy Waters is the amount of love she showed to the people who supported her on this journey. Many writers have a hard time with this, but Mrs. Waters handled this subject with grace and from a place of real respect for her team.She acknowledges how she struggled to edit and re-edit the book, so that she could bring a great product to the market. Obviously, there are many authors who rush to self-publish, not taking the time needed to provide a fantastic product for the public. Mrs. Waters did not rush this book to the public. She worked with a great team and developed a product worth purchasing and worth reading.You will not want to keep this book unread for very long. In a market, which is saturated with many unedited works, her time and patience to release this book is a breath of fresh air.Catch The Moon, Mary is a story based on a musically gifted child who is befriended by a Guardian Angel. So many questions touched my heart while reading this story.What would you dare promise for the one thing you love? What sacrifices would you be willing to accept to accomplish all your dreams? How far would you allow someone in your life to protect you? Would you allow someone to kill for you to protect you and your career? Would a mother or father kill for their children? How would a child view this arrangement? Where is the line between true love, protection of your loved ones, and a full mental illness? When does love become an abusive relationship?Always remember, when an angel appears in your life, angels come from many places and not all of them are good.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. love, and the transcendent powers of art By Marija Spirkovska In "Catch the Moon, Mary" Waters composes an extraordinary tale that intertwines a Faustian pact between a musical child-prodigy and a beguiling angel with the themes of family, love, and the transcendent powers of art. Waters’ style is lyrical, captivating, and rich, flowing melodiously through the original structure that comprises musical compositions and rhythms rather than conventional chapters. Thus, content and form complement each other in following a meandering narrative path which, for all of the novel’s magical realism, is tenaciously natural and greedily life-affirming. Indeed Jennifer, the motherly gardener, confirms this: ‘Nature travels in a cruel and twisted, but profoundly honest line’.On the other hand, the plight of the angel as a representative of divinity enables Waters to scrutinise religion in a subtly subversive way. She fills in biblical blanks all the way back to the Genesis, and exposes, ironically, the delusions of Christian devoutness against a far different reality. Thematically, therefore, the novel is layered and complex.The characters’ thoughts and intentions unfold clearly, while the evocative language triggers a strong synaesthetic response in both the characters and the reader. Mary’s growth from a girl to a mature woman is reminiscent of a Bildungsroman as she teeters precariously between life and death, sanity and madness. Yet, some of the other characters, such as Robert Goodman, could benefit from further development rather than being sacrificed for the sake of action. This, however, does not diminish the unique powers the novel wields in kindling and guiding the reader’s imagination.

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Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters
Catch the Moon, Mary, by Wendy Waters

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